
Thursday, December 29, 2011

It's not gonna happen

I've waited until the very last minute and it's been decided for me that I will not be running my birthday run. I've got a stress fracture in my left fibula. After being quite patient and waiting until it didn't hurt to hop on one foot, I took off for a run. Within 15 steps I could feel the pain coming back. So after waiting some more, I decided to have an x-ray taken to rule out a stress fracture. And if it came back with everything looking good, my plan was just to have it taped up and then go for it. However, even after a normal looking image, my doctor wanted me to have a bone scan just to make sure. And that image clearly showed it. So I will be stuffing my face with cake instead of getting my sweat on tomorrow. I am simply devastated.
Life goes on. I have so much to be grateful for. It's still a good day to be alive.


  1. I'm so sorry about the stress fracture! I hope you have a good birthday anyway. Take the time your body needs to heal and you'll come back stronger than ever. (((HUGS)))

  2. I'm sorry you won't be able to go for your birthday run but the good news is that you'll heal soon and be right back at it! Setbacks make us enjoy the good times all the more!

  3. Ugh, I'm so sorry to hear this. Stress fractures suck @ss as far as I'm concerned. Thankfully you found it early and can begin the recovery process NOW! Big hugs to you and let me know if you ever need to vent about it, with nine months of experience dealing with that blasted thing, I can absolutely feel your pain. :(

  4. Oh Jen! So, so sorry! You know I understand. Go ahead and stuff your face, wallow in it for a while. Then when you're ready, pick yourself up, dust off, and get whatever crosstraining in you can. It will help mentally.

    Sending you hugs!

  5. Oh I am sorry! I hate disappointment. I hope your cake is extra yummy and that your birthday is still extra special for you!

  6. I am SO sorry to hear this! I know all to well about injuries. Stay strong and know you will heal and will come back stronger than ever!

  7. So sorry to hear this. Hope you heal quickly and come back stronger than ever!

  8. bummer.healing thoughts your way

  9. I am so sorry to read this. I have been thinking of you all the time, but I don't have your email address anymore! If you have the option, please shoot me a response to this so that I have it. I miss you and I hope you heal quickly.

  10. UGH, how frustrating! This is exactly what I dealt with this summer, and it was so challenging to be patient and let it heal. I'm so sorry! I do feel like I was able to maintain my fitness with spinning, weights and swimming, although it is equally challenging to come back to running slowly. Hang in there, and continue to vent!

  11. So sorry to hear that Jen. Just take the time an enjoy your family on your awesome birthday.

    When stuff like that happens, I always feeling like the man up above is trying to tell me something and I'm just not getting it. Stay positive and strong.

    Hope you have a great New Year.

  12. Very sorry to hear about the stress fracture. Enjoy your birthday, it can still be great without the run! Recover smart so you can get back at it after healed!

  13. Oh, I am so sorry to hear that! Rest up. I pray that this time is not too hard for you . . . I know how frustrating a stress fracture can be!

  14. SO so sorry Jen! I know how much this meant to you. But you know what as soon as you feel better you can and should still do the run. Give your body time to recover. I am thinking about you. Love you!

  15. Wow, sorry to hear that. I also recently got a stress fracture in my right ankle area. My doctor said that I could continue to run/walk on a rehab plan because my stress fracture was gradually healing. But it was still a bummer to hear. Hopefully your stress fracture heals soon.

  16. oh, I'm so sorry!! That's terrible- have some birthday cake, birthday rest and take it easy!

  17. Oh, so sorry to read this. That's one thing a runner never wants to discover. Hugs!

  18. Noooo! I'm so sorry. I know how hard it is to be sidelined. Enjoy your cake, yes, and hopefully you can get some time in a pool to help the healing process along? Take more calcium too!

  19. I am so sorry! Go ahead and enjoy that cake.

  20. Jen, I'm so, so sorry. This is one of those moments where all we can do is embrace the suck. Several posts ago you spoke of searching for the lows -not the highs- in running for this is where we find the truths about ourselves. I absolutely love this concept and the frame of mind that understands and accepts this as wisdom. This is a low for you. Embrace it for, in a weird sort of a way, it'll make you tougher than you already are, and you are one tough girl. It's a good day to be alive, but it sucks, eh? And that's ok. Enjoy the cake. Mike

  21. I am so sorry to hear that Jen! I hope you heal up fast so you can get back out there! Injuries definitely suck big time, but I always seem to learn a few things about myself, or running, etc. when I'm injured. It's so hard though.

  22. I am so sorry, this is not a good birthday present, that's for sure. Can you do pool running?
    What kind of cake are you having?

  23. So incredibly sorry my friend! I know the ache in your heart and no words can make it better.. Heal up we all are thinking of you!

  24. oh no! so sorry about your stress fracture!! what a bust. keep up the good attitude and heal completely.

  25. Oh no! How is the recuperation going to take?!? Happy early birthday, and I hope that you enjoy the cake and time with family.

  26. So sorry to hear about the stress fracture and that you weren't able to run. I hope you ate lots of cake.. you deserve it :)
