
Friday, April 15, 2011

An Update of Sorts

I guess this will be an updating post. Kind of boring. Oh well. I've stuck in a poor quality home video at the end that will make up for it.

First: I am completely BLOWN AWAY by the response to the giveaway. Utterly. It has been so much fun to me to read what you all love about running and blogging. I have read each and every one and can relate to every single one. I have been reading your blogs but it is taking me a while. I am so excited to find some new blogs to read and friends to make. Blogging is such a great outlet for our enthusiasm for this sport that we don't want to bug our "normal" friends with. The running community never ceases to amaze me. I'm excited to draw a few winners and just wish I had more to go around!

Second: a foot update. It feels a little better each day. I can stretch out my toes without the tightness or the pain that I had before so I know it's getting better. It just seems slow. The pain moves from my toes to the top of my foot and back to my toes. But there are times in the day that I forget all about it and it doesn't hurt at all. In fact I've kind of slacked on the icing thing and I should be better about that. I'm sure it helps. I've been waiting for the pain to be gone completely before I run again.
I think I've been pretty positive about this whole thing. I've tried to distract myself with other things but it's almost to the point where I'm starting to get worried. My first marathon of the season is 5 weeks away. I will admit that panic might set in the next week if it doesn't completely go away.

Third: and related to the stinking foot: I am so done with pool running. The only reason I've been able to do so much is because my running partner, Heather went with me for all but one of the times. And even though it was torture, it was bearable with her there. We talked and caught up like the good old days out on the road. However, it really messes with my shower schedule, evening routines, and life in general. I really hope I don't have to go back again on Saturday but I might have to. YUCK.

It was warm enough this week to get my bike out. Blue Betty and I went for a nice 16 miler. It would have been even nicer but I had to pull the 5 year old in the trailer. Needless to say after my spin class the next day my legs were feeling it! The only consolation I have is that it was good for my legs. And they need it right now!

Week 2 of the push up challenge is complete. It's funny how when you look ahead at things they seem like they'll be too much. Like marathon training for instance. You look at those 20 mile runs and everything in between and it seems so hard. But taking them one day at a time makes them do able. It's the same with this challenge. I look ahead to the coming weeks or even days and start thinking I'll never be able to do it. But just one day at a time and sometimes just one set at a time and I'm able to do it. Bring on week 3!

I have myself a little weight training buddy. My 5 year old little boy watches me quite frequently do my exercises and asks to participate. But the last two weeks have had him joining me for almost the entire time. It all started with Megan's lung/squat routine that I did last week a couple of days. As I was doing the sets of walking lunges and squats, he was watching me. And when I did the squat he busted out laughing. He said that he could see my buns and when I had to do 8-10 of them in a row he was on the floor rolling. At least my form was probably good if my rear end was sticking out! So then this week when he wanted to participate, I got a good look at what I must have looked like in his eyes. And it was my turn to laugh. I apologize for the poor quality. My phone is having trouble uploading so I e-mailed it to myself and it didn't come over as good.
Sidenote: my 5 year old son ran more miles than I did this week. sigh.


  1. Jen, I'm so glad you are feeling like your foot is on the mend. I'm struggling a little with a foot issue myself, and it can be frustrating.

    On my list of things to do is to come and run with you. Or at least run a marathon somewhere near you so we can get together. I can see us getting along swimmingly! I've been behind in commenting, but think of you so often!

  2. hahaha! your son is going to be BUFF! so awesome. absolutely love that you have him as a workout buddy.

    so glad your foot is healing. sending so many positive thoughts your way. i totally understand about getting tired of things that are not necessarily running. I have seriously been slacking this week on the motivation then I just give in and go for a run. then I realize that was the worst decision ever. duh. blah. SO HOPE YOUR FOOT IS COMPLETELY HEALED SO SOON!!! thinking about you!

    I am SO sad that I did not get to visit you today :( my brother had a great visit yesterday at the campus but now feels really torn about where to go to school so I decided not to push him and just took him out to get his mind off of it instead. we still MUST get together sometime soon :) i miss you!

  3. that first video is priceless!! so funny. have a great weekend.

  4. Your little guy is too cute! Glad the foot is healing. No worries, plenty of time.
    Yay for Blue Betty!

  5. YAY! I love videos! Your little guy is too cute!!

  6. Oh my gosh--he is TOO cute, especially on the treadmill!

    So glad you are making progress. All your pool running will pay off and when you're back on the roads (soon!) you won't have missed a beat!

  7. That is sooo adorable!!! I'm glad to hear you are doing better in the foot department. I know how hard pool running is. Our pool heater is broken so uh I've done about nothing all week! I know bad. I have started doing pushups though!! YAY!

  8. Your son is adorable! Pool running might not be fun but it's nice you had a friend joining you!
    Yay for the push-up challenge, I love it!

  9. It sounds like progess is being made with your foot--I am hopeful it continues!! You are clearly rocking your push-up challenge Jen--I like that we can check in with each other this.

    I hope you continue to feel healed and ready in 5 weeks! You are tackling this setback with such poise!

  10. Sorry to hear your foot is still giving you problems :( You should get a drill sergeant in there to straighten that thing out!

    I love that you named your bike! I name almost everything I frequently use, like my laptop is Betsy and my iPod is Poddy.

  11. i'm glad you feel like your foot is on the mend! bummer that, like most injuries, pain comes and goes. hope the healing train keeps chugging on!

  12. Yeah that is sooo awesome! I have a 4 year old (5 in Aug) and he totally works out with me! My 3 years old does too, but she tends to try and snuggle more than exercise. My son is always coming up with new exercises he thinks I should do!

  13. I love the vids, especially the first one with the little 'twish of the toosh'... way too cute! Made my day Jen. All smiles and nostalgic. Mike

  14. OMG your son is ADORABLE!!! I love the bike name Blue Betty! I agree, aqua jogging is minddd numbing. You will get better, hang in there, positive thoughts =)

  15. Way to stay positive - keep that up, that'll make ALL the difference when it comes to being ready for the marathon. You'll do it!!!

    Your son is hilarious, what a little ham.

    I've loved reading your blog as well. I'm running the Utah Valley Marathon too. So I may just see ya :-)

  16. Thanks for the nice comments! I love getting them!
    I think you are awesome for being so dedicated to the pool. I admire you for pulling a trailer for 16 miles! Those trailers get heavy very quickly! I am glad that your foot is on the mend and hope it just continues to get better!

  17. What a cute kid!

    Thanks for your comment :) I am so super happy that my knee is okay!!

  18. Hope the foot continues to heal! Your son is such a punkin!!

  19. bah hahaha jen that MADE MY DAY! The sticking the booty out at the end of the walking lunges? Are you kidding me? Adorable. I'm so glad the package made it there ok! You are amazing, and I'm so inspired by your positivity! I am glad to hear your foot is doing better. I'm going to keep my well wishing healing powers coming your way ;) Have a great weekend! xoxoxo

  20. I'm so glad your foot is healing- that is great news :)
    I love that your bike's name is Blue Betty- that is awesome! Made me laugh :)
    Your son is adorable- LOVE the videos!!!

  21. LOVE IT! Especially the butt wiggle. And your boy's got a great barefoot cadence going on that treadmill. Watch out mama... He'll be catching up to you soon!

  22. omg your son is adorable! glad your foot is feeling a little better.

  23. Hope your foot is completly healed fast! your boy is precious.

  24. Glad your foot is feeling better! Love the videos! Too cute.

  25. Glad to hear your foot is doing better!

    Your son is so cute, and he's sure going to be buff! Keep up the good work little man!!
