This week was a major change in the weather. We had a blizzard warning Tuesday, something I don't ever remember having before ever. And while it wasn't anything that we don't see around here, we usually don't see it until January. The temperatures have been below 0 and the high's are in the teens. While I don't like driving in it, I love to run in these temperatures. That is I really used to love it until I discovered that I liked to run bare foot. I am a wuss when it comes to cold feet. I've done it in the 30's but it hasn't been comfortable. It just seems that I become extra sensitive to every little rock that I'm stepping on when I'm cold. So it's been pretty much shoes all week long. But I have ditched my Asics completely and have used my Newton's or have done the treadmill thing in bare feet.
It was 8 degrees on this sunny day.
But man, the cold seems to make everything look so beautiful. I love the sky on cold winter days. It seems a brighter blue. I love these mountains. I am grateful everyday that I see them.
It was super icy. The plows had come around the night before but whatever fell after that just froze. It was pretty slow going so that I wasn't going to slip and fall.
We took a trip to Idaho for Thanksgiving which was just as cold (11 degrees for this run) only they have so much more snow than we do. It was piled up on the side of the road over my head. Beautiful!
The roads here were even worse than at home. But I learned that you can not push off on the ice and so it really helped keep my form in check. Lift those feet!
Back in my town Saturday was cold. I started my run at 12 degrees and ended at 17 degrees. I loved running by this little river. The sound of the water running was great. I really worked on relaxation on this run. I kept reminding myself to not care how far or how high or how long it was, just to relax and enjoy it. And I really did.
Seriously, look how gorgeous this is! I'd never appreciate the beauties of winter if I wasn't out running in it.
I found an old house that I want to buy on my run. Too bad it's not for sale. I'm going to keep my eye on it though.
The roads weren't nearly as bad on Saturday. I ended up going about 3 miles farther than I had planned. But I guess that's what happens when you don't plan your route and just take off. My legs felt great. My shoulders did get sore. It was the farthest I've gone carrying my water bottle. My feet did start to ache towards the end of the run and felt worn out all day after. It was the farthest I've gone in my Newtons. Probably too far. But the rest of me felt great... like I could have kept going forever. My feet just need to gain more strength. I think I'm going to do a yoga day today and get back at it again tomorrow. Mileage PR week though. 43 miles.
Monday: 7 mile run in Newton's, full body weights
Tuesday: 4 mile run (barefoot-treadmill)
Wednesday: 8.5 mile run in Newton's
Thursday: 3 mile run in Evo's, full body weights
Friday: 7.5 mile run in Newton's
Saturday: 13 miles run in Newton's