
Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Sweat Pink

A little while ago I was contacted by Fit Approach and asked to be a Sweat Pink Ambassador. I was really excited. I love sharing my love of running with others and the lessons I learn. I want to inspire others to be active. I read some of the biographies of some of these amazing ladies and felt pretty humbled to be associated with this group. Now is your chance to meet them.

And to get a pair of your own pink shoelaces. I have 10 pairs of bright pink shoelaces to give away. Shoot me an e-mail (jenrunpack(at)gmail(dot)com with your address and they'll be on their way along with a little surprise from me for you. Look for more in the weeks and months to come for challenges and virtual races and all sorts of fun things!

Friday, April 13, 2012

Updates and I need your vote!

A few updates:
*I ran through the pain I was feeling and quite amazingly the pain is now gone. I have been able to run 5 miles 3 times now and I'm feeling good. I'm still being cautious but I think I am back!
*I have a new goal to make up for the marathon that I'll be missing in May. I'm pretty excited and quite scared at the same time. Next post will be all about it. But this picture is a clue.

* I was selected to become a Sweat Pink Ambassador and though I'm not feeling like I fit in with this amazing group of ladies, I am thrilled anyway. More to come on that later as well.
*But, really first and foremost, I need your vote! I'm a finalist in a photo contest that could win me a new pair of Vibrams. If you get a chance today (contest ends tonight) would you please head over to and vote for my picture #8? Pretty please?

*And finally, good luck to all the Boston participants this year! I'm so excited for you and can't wait to hear all the reports!