
Monday, October 10, 2011

Fabulous Fall

It feels like fall has finally arrived. We had a nice Indian summer all September with temperatures in the high 80's. Then last week we dropped 50 degrees and had our highs in the low 40's. It rained and even snowed but things are finally just right. While I love winter and colder temperatures, it was a pretty big shock to have to dig out the gloves. I still have a pile of mittens and hats that need to be sorted sitting on my front room floor.

Rain always creates some great pictures though.

It was still warm on this Tuesday morning. That was the last nice day last week. That and a 6 mile tempo run explains why I'm glowing.

Have you ever noticed how beautiful sagebrush in bloom is?

A few random things:
*My youngest child went to kindergarten this year. I was really worried about being alone. Turns out it's o.k. 2 1/2 hours really isn't that much time and I enjoy the quiet. I also enjoy helping in his class and seeing him interact with the other kids. And I still enjoy when he comes home and we have plenty of time to talk and hang out.
*I have been a complete slacker on my bike and haven't been on it or been to a spin class in about 2 months. I need to get my rear in gear. The night classes are starting up again this month and my goal is to get there at least once a week.
*I have been a slacker about my weights as well and am only getting it in once a week. I need to find another day to sneak it in.
*I have gained 5 lbs. slowly over the course of the summer and now the fall. I'm just about at the freak out point. So much for that 8 lbs. that I lost last winter over the holidays. I know the problem. It's my eating. My willpower is just gone and though I want to do something about it, at the same time, I don't.
*We got rid of our TV last month. It's been harder on my husband and I than it has been the kids. We still have Hulu and Netflixs but it's just not the same at night when the kids are all tucked in and there's no Food Network to watch to put me to sleep. I'm sure we'll get used to it. But I'm surprised how hard it has been.
*My running partner, Heather is pregnant. I can't wait to go over and hold her little guy and pretend that I was brave enough to do that again. She's still running a couple of times a week. She's been doing part of my long runs with me and I can't say how much I love it. It breaks up the time and we get to catch up with what's going on in our lives.

And now here's a few pictures from my 16 mile run this morning that included my favorite little trail down the canyon. And just for your info, I don't carry a camera with me, it's just my i phone. But it does such a good job that I never replaced the last one that I ruined.

Oh, how I love fall.